“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ― Carl Bard


Shifting Patterns supportive Housing (SPSH) provides a stable, mentored living environment and external skill building workshops (EEC groups) for transitional age young men 17-21 with an emphasis on employment readiness, financial literacy, interpersonal relationships, and life skills training. As needed, support is available to resident’s 24-hours a day. So too is an opportunity for residents to live self-sufficiently, adding skills throughout the program to do so with an increasingly greater proficiency. SPSH takes a holistic and trauma-responsive approach to support, establishing an encouraging environment for residents to exist in.

Upon admission, residents will work with a case manager to create an individualized plan that focuses on teaching, pursing, establishing, and maintaining employment, education, independent living skills, money management, community engagement, and permanent housing. This personalized program will also incorporate consultation with a health and wellness coach, a financial analyst, a carefully selected mentor, and other essential supports; SPSH understands it takes community to create and maintain change.

Customization of the programming is not only a feature but a function of the SPHS process, meeting residents where they are at and allowing space for them to collaborate in creating their futures. Residents are guided to discover and encouraged to explore their own strengths and weaknesses, utilizing strategies for achieving personal growth and creating habits that are useful. Foundational to the program is a belief that each resident has capability, the right to self-determination, and should be empowered to both advocate and ask for the help they need as well as to be able to directly help themselves. The program is structured to eliminate distractions and give residents the ability to focus on building a healthy foundation to structure their lives upon, indirectly improving the communities we all exist in and the outlook of our collective future.


To provide a stable mentored living environment and skill building workshops for young men ages 17-21 with an emphasis on employment readiness, financial literacy, interpersonal relationships, and life skills training.


Preparing young men for life’s challenges, empowering them to chase dreams and equipping them with the tools needed to transition into adulthood and self-sufficiency.